MyLaps Transponders

About MyLaps Transponders

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Motorsport Mylaps Speedhive Specialized Transponders

The standard in sports timing!Reliable hardware, easy subscription management via Bluetooth and the Speedhive App and flexible subscription options to fit your needs.

Motorsport MyLaps Speedhive have developed specialized transponders & chips for each sport onroad and offroad, since each has its own unique requirements. Professional car and bike series and offroad transponders for example, insist on extremely high speed and accuracy. Model car racing demands very small and light transponders. Whatever the sport, we strive for the very best.

Motorsport Mylaps Speedhive Specialized Transponders

With the personal transponder hundreds of thousands of sportspeople have full access to their results to view, analyze and share them. And they do not need to collect a rental transponder at each event. We provide timing systems at many sports locations and racetracks including offroad motorsport .

The standard in sports timing!Reliable hardware, easy subscription management via Bluetooth and the Speedhive App and flexible subscription options to fit your needs.